Submitting Hours

Our biggest priority is to make sure you are paid on time. In order to do so, all hours must be submitted into your timekeeping tool by end of your work week.

When you view your timecard submittal if you see any of the below status notifications you will need to correct your hours and complete your submittal.

  • Draft status
  • Not submitted
  • Not submitted for this past week

Tip: If you had no hours during a week, please work with your ERS to see if you need to submit for 0 hours.

Tip: If you worked over the weekend, please ensure those hours are submitted directly after your last shift

If you have submitted your hours but it is showing that they haven't been approved, please reach out to your manager. Any hours/expenses not approved will result in a delayed payment.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to your Employee Relationship Specialist.